

Acupuncture – Is there any point or is it just a stab in the dark?

Acupuncture is a treatment that dates back to around 100 BC in China and is based on traditional Chinese concepts such as qi (life force energy) and meridians (paths through which qi flows). Acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into the skin at multiple, different locations based on the patient’s symptoms. Although there are […]

Acupuncture – Is there any point or is it just a stab in the dark? Read More »


Beat the heat

Heatwave warnings remain in place so it is important to follow the advice from Public Health England. Issues including dehydration and heatstroke, especially in the very young, the elderly and those with health problems, are common in weather like this. NHS advice can be found here…/h…/heatwave-how-to-cope-in-hot-weather/

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Exercise is Medicine in Parkinson’s Disease Treatment

Scientific evidence is showing the benefits of exercise in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease is growing. Exercise has been shown to have the potential to slow down the loss of dopamine-producing cells, thereby slowing down the progression of Parkinson’s. Besides exercise having many other health benefits, it has also been shown that in people with

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no pain

“No Pain, No Gain”, or so the saying goes – but we know that’s not always the case

Recent reports from The NHS and NCBI state that up to half of UK adults could be living with chronic pain. That’s over 30 million people living with pain which has lasted for more than 3 months! Here at Hope Physiotherapy Clinic, we are dedicated to helping patients with chronic pain develop the skills they

“No Pain, No Gain”, or so the saying goes – but we know that’s not always the case Read More »