HOPE For MS Patients

At Hope Physiotherapy Clinic, we would like to take the opportunity to introduce our clients to a program that has revolutionised the treatment of Multiple Sclerosis.  MS-Get A Head Start

Research shows that up to 80% of individuals living with MS are inactive and are struggling with not only their MS impairments but profoundly from secondary immobility consequences as well.

Detailed information about how to exercise and manage their MS is one of the largest unmet needs of newly diagnosed patients and MS-Get a Head Start aims to change all of that.

MS Get a Head Start is:

· A 6-week high-intensity exercise and education program

· Focused on developing self-management

· Two 1 – hour sessions a week either hydrotherapy or land-based

· Health professional therapist-led

· A progressive interval set circuit class

· Designed to build self-efficacy

· Evidence-based

Covering the 6 Core Principles of Exercise for MS and 6 Educational Topics:


MS-Get a Head Start programme is designed for those newly diagnosed and minimally impaired, however, our accredited instructors will tailor the programme to a wide range of MS presentations.  MS-Get a Head Start has achieved excellent client results to date.

Book an appointment with our specialist Senior Physiotherapist today by calling 023 9255 4007 or email